Writing Classes
Education is an important part of a writer's career. That is why FanStory.com offers classes for adult writers of all skill levels. Take a class online from your computer. Participate while in the comfort of your home or office. Click on the title of the class below to find out more about the class. Four week classes are only $99.00.
 | Poetry Tutorial This is your chance to explore whatever poetic forms you have a desire to learn about and experiment with. You can sign up as an individual for a directed study, or you can find a couple of friends to sign up with you as a study group. If you want to study syllable count forms like the nonet or if you want to work with more advanced poetic forms like the rondeau redouble, you name it and we'll work on it together. What I don't know I will research. Starts: January 5th Seats Left: 7 seats. | Grammar Tips (SPAG) This is your chance to conquer the dreaded comma, unlock the mysteries of the apostrophe and figure out once and for all when to use "lie" instead of "lay." Every discussion will feature easy-to-follow examples, and assignments will provide a chance to practice and receive individual feedback. Starts: January 5th Seats Left: 7 seats. | Rhyme and Meter in Poetry If you are interested in writing metered, rhyming poetry that sounds natural and engages your reader, this class will provide all the basics. You will also learn to use several poetic devices such as metaphors and similes. Assignments will give you hands on experience with composing your own poetry in a step by step process, and you will receive personalized help along the way. You will also have the chance to discuss this process with the instructor and other students in group chats. Starts: January 6th Seats Left: 7 seats. | |
Our classes provide an excellent way to further develop your skills.
- Small Classes. Our classes are small and designed to give you one on one instruction while you complete assignments on your own time and work at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.
- Online Classrooms. All of the courses operate in our unique online classrooms. Your classroom offers you a location to meet with your instructor, read and enter assignments, and ask questions.
- Expert Review. Experienced instructors offer private review and detailed help. In addition, classes give you the ability to share your work with your classroom peers as well as the entire FanStory.com writing community.
- Great Value. Four week classes are only $99.00. Compare and you will find that classes online elsewhere are hundreds more and do not offer the small classroom size, personal attention, and benefits provided by being a school that is part of FanStory.com.
Free Writer Membership. Provided with your class is a free two month membership to the FanStory.com writing community. This bonus gives you the ability to share share your writing with the community while participating in your classroom. Get feedback for everything you write, join free writing contests, and get motivated. Details on your free membership for writers.
FanStory.com writing courses provide adults with an opportunity to take classes online with experienced instructors.
